Social Heroes
The JRU Law School has an outstanding complement of professors that make up the law faculty. It is dominated by members of the judiciary, but also include professionals from various undertakings: Bar reviewers, trial lawyers, corporate practitioners, businessmen, book authors and professional academicians.
The JRU Law School has an outstanding complement of professors that make up the law faculty. It is dominated by members of the judiciary, but also include professionals from various undertakings: Bar reviewers, trial lawyers, corporate practitioners, businessmen, book authors and professional academicians.
Its facilities compare with the best that are available. It has a well-stocked library with thousands of tittles and periodicals, modern air-conditioned classrooms, updated audio visual equipment, and convenient class schedules. Students are encouraged to engaged in academic and non-academic exercises, including self-governance thru a democratically established student council elections and administration.
It observes law rituals that enhance the value of a law education. Graduates taking the Bar examination are provided with assistance to help them pass the final test before admission to the practice of law. Today, the JRU Law School counts among its graduates some of the more successful lawyers in the country including scores of generals and ranking officers in the police and military service, congressman and other politicians, members of the judiciary and prosecutorial services, officers of government agencies, teachers, businessmen, and general practitioners.
(1) Pass the bar examinations and engage in the practice of law;
(2) Demonstrate increased awareness of the needs of the poor, deprived and oppressed sectors of society;
(3) Contribute toward the promotion and advancement of justice and the improvement of its administration, the legal system and legal institutions in the light of historical and contemporary development of law in the Philippines and in other countries;
(4) Analyze, articulate and apply the law effectively; and
(5) Conscientiously pursue the lofty goals of the legal profession and fully adhere to its ethical norms taking into account Rizalian values.
Why apply to JRU Law School?
- JRU is among the TOP 12 Universities in the Philippines.
- JRU Law School has outstanding LAW Faculty line up.
- JRU Law School does not compromise quality of legal education.
- JRU Law School has exceptional Law Facilities
- JRU Law School has low rate of tuition fees.
- JRU Law School has responsive teaching tools.
- JRU Law School has well-balanced students developmental calendar.
- JRU Law School has one of the most rigorous academic programs.
- Duly accomplished on-line application form
- Graduate of Bachelor’s degree
- Official Transcript of Records
- Honorable Dismissal / Transfer Credentials
- Birth Certificate (photocopy of birth certificate verified w/ the original)
- Photocopy of Marriage Contract for married female student, if applicable
- ID Photo, preferably 2×2 inches in size
- Submit a 200-word essay: “Why do you want to enter law school?”
- Duly accomplished on-line application form
- Official Transcript of Records
- Honorable Dismissal / Transfer Credentials
- C1 / Certificate for Eligibility to Law Course
- Birth Certificate (photocopy of birth certificate verified w/ the original)
- Photocopy of Marriage Contract for married female student, if applicable
- ID Photo, preferably 2×2 inches in size
After completion of your Online Application, please proceed to JRU LAW SCHOOL and bring necessary documents for evaluation. It is automatic that your online application is received.
Juris Doctor Scholarship
The university offers the Juris Doctor Scholarship to incoming students in the Law School who graduated with Latin Honors in their undergraduate degree program and passed the Law School Scholarship Qualifying Test. Applicants are required to send the soft copy of the following initial requirements to with the subject title: JD SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION
• pdf copy of the transcript of records (TOR)
• pdf copy of the certificate of honors obtained
• pdf copy of the certificate of Good Moral Character
• and two pieces of 2×2 picture
Please bring the photocopy of TOR and certificate of honor, and an original copy of the certificate of Good Moral Character requirements on the day of your scheduled examination.