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What motivated you to choose José Rizal University Graduate School?

José Rizal University was originally founded as the Far Eastern College School of Accounts, Commerce, and Finance in 1919 as a non-stock non-profit non-sectarian private educational institution to blaze the trail in the field of commercial education. Its founder was the late Vicente Fabella; the first Filipino certified public accountant. The name was subsequently changed to José Rizal College in 1922, in honor of the great Filipino patriot and martyr who tried to awaken his countrymen in his writings to the need for economic self-sufficiency and independence. The University was first located at R. Hidalgo Street in Quiapo, Manila. It offered the four-year bachelor’s degree course in Commerce as well as the high school course. It has continued to provide educational services since 1919 except during the Japanese occupation of the Philippines in World War II when it remained closed as a gesture of protest in spite of repeated attempts by the occupation authorities at the time to have it opened.

In what ways has JRU exceeded your expectations?

“The school is getting better and better, able to take care of the emotions of Chinese international students. Many students came here for the first time and were very uncomfortable. Now, I can feel the school’s concern for Chinese students. For example, the cafeteria has become more diverse with more vegetables, which is much better than other universities. I really enjoy going to the cafeteria for meals.”

What advice would you give to prospective students considering JRU Graduate School?

“Learning English well is crucial. Communicating with teachers, interacting more with locals, and becoming friends with locals can help you quickly integrate into the Philippines, and you will fall in love with this lovely country.”


“Studying for my PhD at José Rizal University was both challenging and rewarding. It was a time of academic exploration, where I delved deep into research and experienced the joy of knowledge discovery, alongside the difficulties of thesis writing.

Outside academics, JRU offered a vibrant cultural experience. I enjoyed exploring the Philippines, trying local cuisine, and discovering beautiful islands with classmates and friends from around the world. These experiences taught me how to balance academic rigor with the enjoyment of life.

If I were to capture this experience in a photo, it would be one taken with my mentor and examiners after my thesis defense. It symbolizes not only the challenges I faced but also the gratitude I feel towards those who supported me.

In summary, my time at JRU was a period of academic growth and personal development. I will always cherish it and carry its lessons forward in my journey.”

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